£200.00 GBP

The Foundation In TMJ Therapy® Live Class

We are excited to announce the return to the classroom of our celebrated TMJ Therapy® 

This one day in person course is ideal for anyone currently working towards the completion of  their TMJ1 online training, especially those who would prefer some hands on practical training to complement their online program 

Join the in person training day for the Foundation in TMJ Therapy®️ for TMJ Dysfunction and associated conditions now! 

The first in person course will be on the 18th March 2024

Also perfect for anyone who would like to complete their practical assessment for TMJ1 in person rather than having to submit a video, you will be assessed and certified on the day in TMJ1

Suitable for all therapists who have trained in TMJ Therapy®️ with Tracey now or in the past who would love to enhance their learning at any stage with in person practical training

What you'll get:

If you EVER wanted to train in TMJ Therapy® with the benefit of in class hands on training to complement your comprehensive online training portal and ongoing support this is for you


You will:


Have access to the tutors before the in person day through the dedicated study group to help prepare you for the hands on training

Attend a full day of in class hands on training with the TMJ team

Practice the full assessment, intake and  treatment protocol with 121 attention from the tutors

Certification of completion will be provided at your in-person training so you can begin working with clients straight away


2021©Tracey Kiernan All Rights Reserved

NB: All course bookings are final.

In the event of:

Local Lockdown
In the event of a local lockdown in Wigan OR your home town, or covid travel preventing the course from happening, we will reschedule the course you were booked on to a later date. We will of course waive the usual administration fee for any such changes.

If you become ill or develop symptoms we will reschedule the course you were booked on to a later date There will be an administration fee of £75

Travel and Accomodation

We always advise booking accommodation and travel with a cancellation option, and we will not be held liable for these and other costs in the event of cancellation on either side.


continuing with your purchase is deemed full acceptance of all terms and condition


Please see full terms and conditions of purchase here: Submitting payment confirms agreement of terms and conditions. 

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